Perform Inference (3/3)

Build Image and Container#

After installing the packages, you need to build it into an image which consists of all dependencies, pretrained model and source code. Use aid build [vendor name]/[package name]/[solver name] to build image. Once finished, it will return a reference number for the built image. You can check images by running aid list images.

Now, you can start to create a corresponding container that bind the local IP to this image. Use aid create [image ID] [port number] to create a container. A container ID will be given if succeeded. You can also check the ID by aid list containers command.

Deploy to HTTP Service#

To start the container, aid start [container ID] will help to deploy HTTP service to the specified port number. Now you can check if the contianer run on the port successfully by using aid list containers. If running properly, the status of Running will be TRUE.

Test the Model#

Now you can test the model by aid infer [container ID] [argument]="content/path". The solver will give the results. You can use aid help [package ID] to check the meaning of results.